nature, texture, iceland, moody, photography, otherworldly iceland, underground, underworld, otherwordly, woodland,

We hold Ceremonial Containers both Fierce and Tender for the Brave of Heart ready to realize the true Self and walk the path of Liberation for the spiritual benefit of All Beings.

We organize spiritual retreats and sacred ceremonies dedicated to the expansion of consciousness through sacramental entheogens. In addition, we offer opportunities for reconnection, holistic healing, and self-inquiry exercises from ancestral spiritual practices and diverse wisdom traditions.

 If you are interested in joining Dreaming Jaguar Medicine Church please:

  1. Pay your $33.33 annual church dues.

  2. Submit a membership application.

You will then be contacted for an intake interview and given access to the Members section of the website where you can register for upcoming Ceremonies, join the DJMC group chat, schedule private ceremonial work, and join our Self-Mastery Mentorship program.

Contact us with any questions about participating in ceremony.

In lak'ech ala k'in

I am you and you are me ’

U betik baalam ts’aak!

‘Welcome Home to Jaguar Medicine’

Awakening Call

Need to chat before you dive on in?

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and explore the profound healing potential of Sacred Medicines with a personalized introductory session at Dreaming Jaguar Medicine Church.

During the 30-min Awakening Call, we'll explore your intentions, discuss your unique path, and assess your readiness for the transformative experiences offered through our services.

Some of the frequently discussed items:

  • Your personal history and any relevant experiences.

  • Your calling to explore the Medicine Path.

  • Any questions about the ceremonial process.

This session will help you determine if the Dreaming Jaguar Medicine Church is the right fit for your journey and ensure you're prepared for a safe and meaningful experience.


The First Amendment of the United States Constitution ensures protection for the free exercise of religion, while the Fourteenth Amendment extends these protections to the state and local levels. Together, these amendments safeguard the practice of sincere religious beliefs in several ways.

  1. Free Exercise Clause: The First Amendment's Free Exercise Clause states that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." This clause ensures that individuals have the right to freely practice their chosen religion without government interference, as long as their actions do not infringe on the rights of others or violate public safety.

  2. Protection from State Interference: The Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause incorporates the protections of the First Amendment to the states. It prohibits state and local governments from infringing upon an individual's freedom of religion or interfering with their sincere religious beliefs. This incorporation ensures that individuals are protected from both federal and state actions that would impede their religious practices.

  3. Accommodation of Religious Practices: The First Amendment's protection of religious freedom requires the government to accommodate religious practices whenever possible. This means that laws or policies must be formulated in a way that avoids unnecessary burdens on individuals' religious beliefs and practices. If a law places a substantial burden on someone's sincere religious exercise, it must be justified by a compelling government interest and implemented in the least restrictive manner possible.

  4. Non-discrimination and Equal Treatment: The First and Fourteenth Amendments protect individuals from religious discrimination. Government entities and public institutions cannot treat individuals differently based on their religious beliefs or favor one religion over another. This principle ensures that individuals are not disadvantaged or excluded from public life due to their religious affiliation.

  5. Freedom of Expression: The First Amendment protects not only the free exercise of religion but also the freedom of speech and expression related to religious beliefs. Individuals have the right to express and share their religious beliefs publicly, engage in religious worship, and engage in religious activities without fear of censorship or retaliation by the government.


This life is a gift. We are given the opportunity to come to this realm to realize our liberation. We believe that sovereignty is the true expression of spirit. And we live in right relation with our fellow beings.

As individual expressions of the Divine, we should act in accordance with the way that the Divine reveals Itself, practicing compassion, walking in wisdom, and standing in truth. When we diverge from the path, we will realign with the path with compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude for ourselves and others.

Our guiding principles:

1. Live in Integrity

2. Build Relationships

3. Keep Opinions to Yourself

4. Honor Sacred Silence

5. Encourage Others

6. Practice Patience

7. Courageous Willingness

8. Trust the Universe

9. Develop Self-Discipline

10. Act with Compassion

No violence whatsoever or sexual misconduct will be tolerated in any Ceremonial container or throughout any scheduled retreat.

Kiil, Utziiil, nimljtaq kaslimaal, saq bey, saq colo, qan bey, qan colo, ajaual ruachuliu majunloulo oxlajuj matioxiil.

Long life, Honey in the Heart, white roads, white ropes, yellow roads, yellow ropes, magnificent mask of Earth Fruit, no evil, thirteen thank-you’s. - A Mayan Blessing

DJMC Membership
Every year

As a DJMC member, you can access a wealth of plant medicine information, ceremonial preparation, ceremonial practices, ceremony dates and locations, and ceremonial supplies.

✓ Ceremonial Participation
✓ Access to Community Chat
✓ Mentorship and Spiritual Development